Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Playing Catch Up!!!

Well since my last post not a lot has changed. I have gotten all the decorations for Grayson's party. I was so happy when i went to Card and Party Factory because they were having alot of there sports theme decor for 99 cents (and no that is not a type o)I was so happy. I order his cake i am so excited to see how it turns out. Only things left on my to-do list is some finger foods and fillers for the goody bags.

Well the flu has hit our house. Grayson had it Friday night and Saturday night but during the day he was fine. Then Monday night i got it. And coming from some one who had morning sickness every single morning for the first 3 months I have never been that sick. It was horrible but luckily my mom took Grayson to daycare for me and i got to rest the whole day. I am so glad i am feeling myself today.

This weekend we are going to so to our local Livestock Show and Carnival.Please don't rain which it seems to every year. I hope everyone has a good weekend and avoids the flu.

1 comment:

  1. Coming over from Kellys Korner to say hi! I hope his party goes well;it sounds like alot of fun! :)
