Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Recap of this weekend

Well this weekend was so much fun. After work on Friday i picked Grayson up from daycare and we went to Casa Ole. Love there chips and hot sauce its amazing. Grayson loved them as well he had to get his own Green Sauce (not sure the real name) because he kept double dipping. He amazes me with how much he will eat. I always say he eats everything that does not eat him. HAHAHA I can count my lucky stars about that he is not a picky eater. Well Saturday we went over to his Nanny house to visit with her for a little bit. Then my step-dad calls us to go over to the horse pens with him to ride the horse. I was so scared that Grayson would be scared and not want to pet them. But he was fearless he tried to walk straight up to the horse and get on.

This is Grayson and his Aunt Sissy
He loved it out there i am going to have to take him there more often. Well i am off to feed Grayson supper and then its bath and bed

Friday, January 22, 2010


I always love Fridays. Its so laid back at work. And this weather is perfect compared to all the rain we got in South Texas last week ewwwwww. I strongly dislike the rain especially because Grayson and i live on the second floor of our apartment. Its really hard trying to make sure he is all bundled up and covered and running to get out of the rain. But this weekend should be fun we can hang out at the park and play with a bike Grayson got for Christmas. I just love the spring. Then the Texas summers hit and u can barley breath outside because its so hot. Grayson and I will just have to enjoy the cool weather while it last. I am in the mood to cook a big supper tonight but i would have to go to the grocery store and if you know me you know i can not stand to grocery shop. Well I better go for now. Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello Bloggers

This being my first post i am not sure how to start. I am 19 a single mom of a wonderful little boy Grayson Michael. He was born March 1st 2008 at 5:47 p.m. via c-section. At 28 weeks pregnant i developed preeclampsia and was hospitalize for about a week. When released from the hospital i was put on bed rest. Without asking the Dr. at 35 weeks i thought that i would just run and get my hair cut real quickly not realizing that it was the trip that changed my life. My water broke in the car so I was rushed to the hospital. I was strapped up with all kinds of monitors. My doctor had an ultrasound tech come and she found that his umbilical cord was on his shoulder. I was put on pitocin to induce labor. But then after being put on my side his heart rate started to drop. After i was checked my Dr. decided that i was not dilating and his heart rate was just continuing to drop. So i was rushed to the o.r. for and emergency c-section. Once Grayson was delivered and cleaned I only got to get a peak of him before he was taken to the N.I.C.U to be checked. He weighed 4 lbs 7 ozs and was 18 3/4 inches long. My doctor said he was stuck in my birth canal. I was so scared not knowing if he was going to make it. All i could do was sit in my room the first night and pray to God to save my little boy. Grayson spent a total of 8 days in the N.I.C.U and i know i should thank God it was not longer but they were the longest 8 days of my life.

Now almost 2 years later (wow that is scary to say) he is happy healthy and ffffffffuuuuullllllll of energy. He keeps me going that is for sure. I never knew you could love someone as much as you do your children.

Well I guess i better be going for now. If there are any questions you have don't hesitate to ask i will do my best to answer them all. I am going to try and figure out how to put pictures on here wish me luck!!!! Hope to hear form you soon

Jessica and Grayson